All posts by admin

Cool ideas for laptop

I’m getting a laptop soon, so I thought I’d jot down some ideas for work/home interoperability. If that is a word.

  • Cron job or something that tries to ping servers LAN address, if it can then mount server shares
  • If ping fails then have a go at creating ssh tunnel and mount the shares

As usual, I found that there’s already about 100 programs that do this sort of thing. I’ll just wait till I actually get the laptop.


The gallery is back (kind of) until Nick (who’s now in charge of the gallery) fixes it up good and proper. Enjoy. Pics of the latest Cube/Academy nights will be on there soonish, Nick has those at the moment too!

Bloc party

I’m well into bloc party – Silent Alarm at the moment, some kind of mad indie rock stuff, resonably accessible to all!

It sounds pretty cool, the lead singers voice may annoy you though. Sounds a lot like Damon or whatever his name is from Blur. More musical reviews here soon.

7/10 at the moment, but it’s probably going to move up to 8/10.