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  • Snap and Docker on Ubuntu

    So for a long time, I’ve been wondering why I can’t use a locally mounted directory within one of my containers – I’d just get an empty directory on the volume mount point inside the container. A lot of googling yielded nothing, but then when I ran ps -aux | grep -i docker I noticed…

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  • Python request timeouts & HTTPbin

    Recently I added a static analysis tool (Bandit – which is an excellent tool and deserves it’s own post) to our Python microservices CI pipeline at work. Upon doing this, I discovered that our requests calls didn’t have timeouts set on them. By default, requests don’t have a timeout set. At first, I thought it…

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  • back online

    After quite some time I’ve managed to get my server back online. The issue was that running it on a raspberry pi 3 alongside other things pretty much ensured the OOM killer would kick in and start killing things off. I got one of those HP elitedesk PCs for only £40 off eBay to host…

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  • now via Raspberry Pi!

    This site is now hosted on my raspberry pi zero w – incredible! Hosting costs are now on a real shoestring budget. I’ll be tinkering with it to get the site to perform a bit better (microssd is not fast..) This was part fun experiment, part cost saving exercise.

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  • List merge commits between two branches in Git

    This handy snippet is useful for seeing what merged PRs there are between two branches – eg master/release or whatever you’re using. I find it v.handy: git log –merges –graph –pretty=format:’%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset’ –abbrev-commit –date=relative origin/production..origin/master

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